Happy GIS Day!

GIS has the power to change the world (that’s why we love our jobs so much!). Some changes are grand in scale, like its ability to spatially monitor the spread of COVID-19, help scientists predict the ongoing impacts of climate change, and assist firefighters battle massive wildland fires.

For our clients, the positive impacts of GIS may be smaller in scale, but they are still invaluable. Like how AssetAlly makes the day-to-day lives of municipal staff significantly more efficient by providing access to dynamic asset information in the field, using work orders to schedule and prioritize internal/external tasks across departments, and providing high-impact visuals for stakeholder presentations.

This GIS day, we’re encouraging AssetAlly users to make the most out of their GIS capabilities by tracking and finalizing this year’s routine maintenance. This might include:

  • Hydrant flushing and inspections

  • Valve exercising and maintenance

  • Finalizing work orders

  • Outfall and other storm water BMP inspections

  • Sanitary sewer cleaning/televising and manhole inspections

  • Updating assets inventories in newly developed areas. (i.e. signs, trees, water, sanitary, storm, electric, etc.)

  • And more!

Using your GIS to capture the efforts put forth by your staff in 2020 will help your municipality start 2021 off on the right foot with fully updated records and clear priorities.

To learn how AssetAlly can help your community wrap-up your annual tasks and start strong in 2021, please contact our team today!

Learn More

No matter how you use GIS, there’s no arguing that its endless capabilities are worth celebrating. To learn more about GIS day, please visit www.gisday.com.