Zoning Tool

While the most accurate way to track Zoning is via direct editing in ArcMap software, the “Zoning Add/Edit” tool can be used for quick zoning changes that follow parcel lines. Found under the "Public Works" tab, the tool allows users to select parcels and add/edit the zoning information displayed in the map.

To try it out, click the Add/Edit Zoning button under the "Public Works" tab. It will look like the image above. Once activated, you'll be prompted to choose a selection shape (shown below). Create a selection shape over one or more parcels and click "OK".

After your parcel is selected, click on the drop down arrow next to “Zoning Code” to open a list of zoning code classes.

Select the most suitable zoning code for your parcel(s) and click Update to add or edit the code for that parcel. If there is a group of parcels that share a common zoning code and are within the same vicinity, just use the rectangle or polygon selection tool to select a group of target parcels that need to be changed!